Tuesday, September 26, 2006

far away thoughts of a California dreamer

Every word
I cling

Every imagined touch
I shiver

Every time I falter
my fingers reach
for yours.

Every kiss I send to the stars
Every tear I savor
Every nerve ending enticed
Every drink of wine
Every cigarette smoked
Every scintillation of hope
Every bite of food I can’t swallow
Every tortured breath
Every wish for ocean air abandon

Every forever thought
and dream

You are present
raw and real.

I want your words hot in my ears
I want them rushed and deliberate
with bright eyes in mine
as you say them for all to hear.

Inhale the dark,
see me here,
feel that I crave and hurt.

This is all I can give you right now.


C. said...

so is this. You're very good, you know.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, this took my breath away....can not wait to work with you.