Saturday, November 25, 2006

guitar times.

Casting notes into the air
the most clumsy guitar player
this river city has ever seen
is locked in her cave.
But it serves as a distraction I tell you
This genius mind,
Miss 155,
learns four or five chords a day
but the brain power doesn't translate
to finger power
and I can't hold the damn strings down
or switch fast enough.
It's frustrating
and oh so therapeutic.
Give me awhile,
I'll play for you.
Perhaps I'll even sing.


Anonymous said...

You are going to be famous and forget you ever knew me and I'll still be writing shitty poetry and posting it here.

the amien said...

Jason, you are quite unforgettable. Worry not.

by the way, your "shitty poetry" seems to have disappeared. I do not approve.