Sunday, December 03, 2006

is the sun setting on this corner of the internet?

My blog audience has grown. People really are concerned about me and my randomly acidic mind. I asked for it, I lamented that no one visited or cared what I had to say. Now that you're here and listening, I sometimes feel as though I censor myself.

It's hard enough for me to come to terms with my insides and displaying them for all the world to see...well I'm lame and fear judgement. Actually, I experienced judgement and it stung.

I think I will keep trucking...but I'm not sure how personal things will be. Who knows? I could just be babbling.

Anyway, maybe the sun is just setting on this chapter. We shall see.



p.s. This is a picture of Lake Powell, one of the most amazing places I've ever been.

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