Thursday, December 14, 2006

I hope.

I do so hope your visit is going well
that planes and trains
have brought you a heart
that beats louder than
One that perhaps
is a bit more free
and more capable of thumping
in a controlled manner.
I do so hope that you're
sharing breakfast
and laughing over stories
of yesterday and tomorrow
and babies and kittens.
I do so hope that you had
at least one night of drinking
that ended with the two of you writhing
on a motel bed.
I do so hope
No really, I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Then you hope for too much.

I have done that myself in the past.

Expectations & hope are funny things. I've concluded that they lead to crushing disappointment.

I sometimes think it is better, and more accurate, to expect nothing.

Hope is for the hopeless.

Sincerely, Hopelessly Hopeful.